Fender Custom Shop Workshop 2011

The event held by Swee Lee Music Singapore on the 6th December 2011, having the Fender Custom Shop Master Builder, Todd Krause demonstrating the Fender Custom Shop guitars and answering questions about the guitars

Performing and demonstrating the Fender Custom Shop guitar

Master Builder, Todd Krause trying out one of the Fender Custom Shop strat.
The man who built guitars for Eric Clapton, John Mayer, Ritchie Blackmore and many more artists!

Fender Custom Shop Jazz Bass

Say cheese to the camera!

Question: What do you do to the guitar (Fender Custom Shop) if it didnt sound nice or play nice? Do you smashed it and throw it away?
Todd Krause: I will not let that happen (with a smile)

Fender project neck for demonstration

The Fender Custom Shop, any catching your eyes for the Fender lovers?

Cherryburst finishing with maple fretboard, loving this!

Fender Custom Shop guitars are now available at DeadEye Guitars! You may place your orders today!


  1. I will buy it now if there's a buy 1 free 1 promotion haha

  2. Ijau: forgot to post cert, haha! Later I post :D

    Everyone will buy :D

  3. wow..the cherry burst finishing one looks so sexy!and the maple looks delicious like i wanna crush the neck into the sugar cane machine and drink it!

  4. what?? crushed and drink it???? that's crazee!! hahahaha!

  5. fuish custom shop! mesti >10k ni

  6. haha yeah, minimum also RM10k already :D


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